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Find  Life Quotes at Quote Pukka to seek wisdom for success in life. Reading a quote daily develops a positive mindset which brings love and happiness in our lives.

A quote can imprint us in such a manner that we tend to change for the betterment of the humankind.


Life Quotes For Whatsapp

Find Life Quotes For Whatsapp Status. More Life Quotes for Boys At Quote Pukka. Life Quotes one word for boys whatsapp status.


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Excuses will limit you from doing unbelievable things.

~ S.S.Alag


Oh! Dear Pen, I get success in the tears Of you! Yes, it's your Ink ....


For Me doctors are like ozone layer, how ozone layer protects us from harmful sun rays like that only doctors protect us from harmful viruses. ~Bhagyashree


You can achieve what you can imagine.

~ S.S.Alag​


Sometimes to learn new things you have to unlearn few things.

~ S.S.Alag


Life Quotes for Boys

Any facial facial expression does not define mood. Our face expressing " Just Because You're Not Crying"..." Doesn't Means that You're Not Sad "..." Just Because You're Smiling"..." Doesn't Means that You're Happy"...I Think Sometimes, Facial expressions doesn't define Our Inner Emotions. ~Bhagyashree


The world needs more heroes , be ready to be one.


If i fell down, please don't help me to get up, just teach me.

To get up...if once i learn to get up, next time i wouldn't seek others help.



Some people say we Drink for Enjoyment. Some people say we Smoke for Fun. But something that Harms your Body can't be an Enjoyment or Funny factor. ~Bhagyashree


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